Wibert Vallet Foote (Fulton's Great-great-great-great Grandfather)

 This following is from family tree research done by one of Wilbert's descendants.

Wilbert Vallet Foote was born near Frederisktown, 0hio October 24, 1843.  On July 2, 1868 he married Lydia Arm Hill, who was born in Indiana on June 7, l851.  Twelve children were born to this couple of which only eight lived to adulthood.  Two of the eight were males, one of whom never married.  The other seven married and had children.

Wilbert Vallet Foote was descended from a direct family line established in America from 1630, having migrated from England with five children born there, and two more were born in America. The line of descent was: 1st generation, Nathaniel Foote, The Settler; 2nd, Nathaniel; 3rd, Daniel; 4th, Daniel; 5th, Daniel; 6th, William; 7th, William; 8th, Adonijah; 9th, Wilbert Vallet. The first William, born in 1758 had only one son, no other children, but fortunately the second William, born 1780, sired six children, the fifth of which was Adonijah.  Adonijah fathered 14 children of which the third was Wilbert Vallet Foote, our subject.

After his marriage, Wilbert went west, stopping briefly in Kellogg, Iowa, then moved on to Walnut, Iowa where he settled down to raise a family.  Little is known about his occupation, but I have a hazy recollection that he was involved in drilling wells for water.  The family home, which I remember from my youth over 60 years ago, was atill standing and occupied in 1968.  After the death of grandmother Foote in 1922, my father acquired the property to help settle the estate.  Later he sold it to Leona Deen Hass where she and her husband lived until their growing family needed more room.